Training Camps
Training Camps
Orievents / GD4C's Training Camps - Alto Alentejo, are an excellent training opportunity for Orienteering of excellent quality during the winter.
We can help you find the best accommodation for your team.
See all the possibilities of training
Alto Alentejo (15 Trainings forest maps and 8 sprint ones).
Alto Alentejo was visited in the previous years by some of the world's best orienteerers, racing or training on the fields that served as support for the North Alentejo O' Meeting (NAOM) events of 2007-2019 and 2011 & 2017's POM.
We invite you to come and participate in our trainings and be able to take part in:
24th -26th January NAOM 2020 - Castelo de Vide e Portalegre - WRE
22th - 25th February - POM 2020 - Santiago do Cacém e Sines - WRE
29th Feb - 02nd March - III Meeting Internacional de Arraiolos - Arraiolos - WRE